What is That by Constantin Pilavios

What is That by Constantin Pilavios

A friend shared this touching short film in Facebook. According to a user who posted the same short film in Youtube, it was made in Greek in 2007. With the help of Google, I found it being shown in the 30th Greek Short Film Festival in 2007.

What is that by Constantin Pilavios is a short film about a conversation between a father and his son when a sparrow landed in front of them.

There was an email, with a very similar story, which I received back in 2006. Whichever came first, I do not know. But I hope, through the conversation of the father and his son, we could all be brought back to the time when we were young. Did our parents not shower us with tender love and patience?

This short film reminded me of the many conservations between my inquisitive four years old niece and my mother. Whenever she was watching TV programs with my mother, she would always ask her grandmother what was going on in the show. When my mother answered her question, she would pause to think for a moment and then went on to ask another question.

This process of question and answer would just go on and on; the little one never seemed to run out of questions. However, no matter how many questions the little one asked, my mother would always answer in a gentle, patient and loving manner.

I was also reminded of the few conversations one of my aunts had with my grandmother. My grandmother is going to ninety-five soon and she tends to forget about certain things. Like the father in the short film, she would ask the same question repetitively or repeat the same words again and again. But my aunt would always answer her gently and lovingly with a smile.

What similarity can you see between my niece and my grandmother? One is four years old and another at ninety-five years old. Now, if we think about it, my grandmother was once young like my niece and probably with an inquisitive mind. My niece will one day be old like my grandmother and may tend to get forgetful too.

The young will not be with us forever as they move out of the house one day to start their own lives. The best memories are the attention, love and acceptance we can give to them now; these will positively influence them to act the same way towards their children.

The old too will not be with us forever as they will pass on one day. Let them leave with loving thoughts, much as the love and care which they showered upon us when we were young.

What goes around comes around.

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29 thoughts on “What is That by Constantin Pilavios

  1. Sherxr

    Sorry my dear friend, I haven’t been active in the blogging world. Been busy… just an excuse. Just not in the right state of mind to blog.

    What you mentioned in the post brought me to a subject that is very close to home. Having an infant of learning age.. absorbing everything around her like a sponge, I have to ask myself how I portray myself in front of her. The way I treat the people around me especially my mother, the little one will take that as what a model.

    Therefore, my point is treat your parents with respect for your child(ren) will treat you the same way.
    .-= Sherxr´s last blog ..It’s been a long time.. =-.

  2. Jude

    Wow that brought a few tears to my eyes and reminded me of all the times my Son would ask the same things over and over.

    It also reminded me of Bill telling me the same stories over and over and I try to laugh each time like I never heard it before.
    .-= Jude´s last blog ..Sunset =-.

  3. Comedy Plus

    Excellent post. We should always remember this lesson. Thanks for the reminder.

    About all the awards…They were given to you as you are in my link exchange list. That’s if you are interested.

    Have a terrific day. 🙂
    .-= Comedy Plus´s last blog ..Awards Monday =-.

  4. housewife9988

    I ve seen such click b4 but it was wondeful indeed.. n your writing were all very profoundly written.. keep up n sure I will like to read more..
    txs for replying into my blog.. BK..

    1. Symphony of Love Post author

      @ Blessing Reflections, indeed, this reminds us to be gentle to our parents and possibly our children too.

      @ Vixen, I believe strongly in that school of thought too.

      @ JO, yes, I picked this up from Facebook too. And I am just glad that my friend shared this touching short film.

      @ Jerine, I know what you mean. At time children can really get on our nerves. It is in time like this that we need to be reminded to be patient and gentle with them.

      @ Tammie, thank you for dropping by too.

    1. Symphony of Love Post author

      @ Melissa, I agree with you totally; life is a beautiful, amazing and often surprising journey. I like the surprising part especially … even if the surprises may not be good ones all the time. 🙂