Simple Pleasures by Constantin Pilavios

Simple Pleasures by Constantin Pilavios

Beautiful sunset

Very often, we may take for granted the simple things which we enjoy in our daily life until we may not be enjoying it the way they are. In this short film directed by Constantin Pilavios, it was mentioned in the film that, “… happiness is nothing more … than moments … small and invisible moments.” Moments … some of us may have taken for granted. What are the little things that we have enjoyed doing but have given up because of our busy schedules day in, day out?

Some of the Random things or simple pleasures I like:

  • A sunrise!
  • A bright sunny day.
  • A cooling breeze blowing in my face on a hot day when I am walking.
  • The singing and dancing of the leaves and branches to the wind.
  • Blue skies!
  • White and big fluffy clouds which remind me of cotton candy I had when I was young.
  • The dark clouds before the storm.
  • The smell of rain in the air and the peacefulness before the storm.
  • The sounds created by the rain falling on different things.
  • The raindrops falling down on puddles of water and the ripples.
  • The fresh smell of the air after the rain.
  • The droplets on the green after the rain.
  • Rainbow!
  • The green of the trees and grasses.
  • The flowers.
  • Going for my run.
  • The occasional snails I see when I go for run.
  • The wild mushrooms I see when I go for my run… it could be quite hard to spot them around my place.
  • The wonderful feeling after the run and sweating it out.
  • Singing while I am walking.
  • Watching people and observing them in the public transports.
  • Watching children playing, running, smiling, giggling and laughing.
  • Observing and act of random kindness.
  • Performing act of random kindness without expectation.
  • Making a different to the life of another.
  • Last but not least, spending quality time with family and friends!
  • And of course a sunset!
  • As you have noticed, I could probably go on and on with the list of things and simple pleasures which I like and enjoy doing; and which also make me happy! When we take the time out for the moments in life, we would discover the simple pleasures these moments bring to us.

    Why not take out a piece of paper or make a post in your blog today and do this exercise with me? Write down as many as you want, the simple pleasures which you like and enjoy doing everyday …. and most importantly which also make you happy.

    Photo by nbphotogfy
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    12 thoughts on “Simple Pleasures by Constantin Pilavios

    1. Yvette Francino

      I’ve been blogging about the Happiness Project and reading a lot about happiness. Thanks for posting the film and some of your simple moments that brought you happiness.

      Some of mine from today:
      * An email from my father saying how grateful he was for his four children
      * A beautiful sunny day
      * Celebrating fathers at a picnic filled with delicious food and good friends
      * A call with my father who is feeling OK, despite the stage 4 cancer
      * The safe return home of my son from leadership camp
      .-= Yvette Francino´s last blog ..Book Club: ALS Victim inspires spirituality =-.

      1. Symphony of Love Post author

        @ Yvette, thank you for dropping by and sharing your some simple moments which made you happy today. Sending positive thoughts to your father and wishing him goodness in all areas of his life and for him to have the strength to continue his winning fight against his illness.

    2. jacqueline

      Dearest BK, i always love visiting you herre as you always have wonderful inspiring and very thoughtful to share! This is such a wonderful and sweet reminder to appreciate the little small simple pleasure that happen on our day to day life. I keep a journal writting down little things i am grateful each day. It’s not a long entry or a long list just simple 3 things each day. Have a lovely merry happy week and love to you!
      .-= jacqueline´s last blog ..uncovering the reason =-.

    3. fatima da

      Awesome post BK, like you have recommended would make up a list of those lovely small, invisible moments of pleasure and share it on my blog too…Lovely video and how great! is it.. to appreciate those gratifying moments ..Thanks for sharing 🙂

      1. Symphony of Love Post author

        @ Jacqueline, it is just what I am looking to do; to always provide a little love, peace or inspiration. You idea of keeping the journal each day is fantastic. I think it would be good if each of us can keep one to keep track of the little things and simple pleasures to be grateful for. Wishing you a lovely merry happy week and love to you too.

        @ Fatima, it is my pleasure to share and I look forward to reading yours too.

    4. Hilary

      Hi BK .. life is glorious .. and we really need to take time out to just be and enjoy this life of ours .. all the flowers, plants, insects .. take blessings with us each and every day.

      Happiness for me .. the sunshine! it’s been a cold winter .. but oh how brilliantly the plants have responded .. bringing us bright colours and long lasting blossoms.

      Simple pleasures are the best – and the sooner we realise this in our lives the better .. thanks BK – loved the idea .. Happy days ahead .. Hilary
      .-= Hilary´s last blog ..Nature in Balance … and the Dark-Bellied Dew Lover! =-.

      1. Symphony of Love Post author

        @ Hilary, you are most welcome. Thank you for sharing what makes you happy.

        @ Just a Plane Ride Away, I totally agree with you that life is definitely full of wonderful, beautiful moments!