I have a dream
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”
“… in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” These words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. ring strongly in my head recently and in this very moment as I am writing this. And this will live with me as one of the key principles in my life, ‘No person should ever be judged – we shouldn’t even be judging anyone in the first place – by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character.‘
Change must come from each and every one of us and through the daily education of our young ones. We can preach all we want to the young ones but as long as we are showing otherwise, they will not do what we have preached; very simply put, “Why should I be doing that which you are asking me to do when you are not doing it yourself?”
Thus, the reason why I said that ‘Change must come from each and every one of us.’ In order to do that, shouldn’t we be watching our thoughts? The thoughts will form our actions which will translate to our speeches and the things we do. Purifying the heart with love, understanding, respect, and the goodness of people and our actions will be that of love, understanding, respect, and goodness.
As the saying goes, “As we sow, so shall we reap.” So we must start sowing good thoughts. To be honest, this is not gonna be easy and many of us will fail badly in the first attempt but we’ll get better.
Why should we be doing this? No one wants history to repeat itself; I’m sure you can find, through Google, numerous cases of social unrest in history when there was no racial harmony. Whether we like it or not, the effect of social unrest does not stop at us, it will go on to affect our younger generation and for many generations to come.
In actual fact, we are not very different from each other. Think about it, the person in front of us, could be just another’s grandparent or parent or uncle or aunt or brother or sister or friend …. just as we could be someone’s grandparent or parent or uncle or aunt or brother or sister or friend?
Today, let us join our hands to be part of that change to bring racial harmony to the world starting right here – in our hearts.
Do you also share this dream of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.?
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