Two gifts to our children: Roots and Wings

Two gifts to our children: Roots and Wings

There are two things we should give our children, one is roots and the other is wings

There are two things we should give our children: one is roots and the other is wings.

– Author Unknown

My understanding of the quote: Roots, which would allow our children to stand firmly and to steadfastly hold their grounds in a world which is constantly trying to change them into something else. And Wings, which allow them to soar to great height, freely, unbounded and far away.

Not forgetting to couple these two gifts with an unlimited amount of unconditional love. However, parenting is always a challenge; there will be times when your kids will put your love for them to the test. In times like these, you will also need a great deal of patience and have faith that love will prevail all challenges. In all being said, know that there is no one straight forward way that will work for every situation. Keep in mind that one will always make mistakes along the way so don’t be too hard on yourself.

While Googling for the author of the above quote, I came across the below poem, ‘Roots and Wings’, which brilliantly brings out the essence of the quote.

Roots and Wings

If I could give you many things,
I’d give you gold and silver rings
Of knowledge that I’ve gained with years
The gift of smiling through the tears
Confidence, courage, determination,
Laughter and spirit and love of creation,
Wrapped up in a box with a bow, I’d give
To you these gifts to keep for as long as you live.

“If I could give you just two things,
One would be Roots, the other, Wings.”
Roots, not to tie you to the ground,
But to guide you to where your fulfillment is found
The nourishing start, the firm foundation,
The source of your inner determination.
Wings to soar over obstacles, wings to fly free,
Wings to glide to the heights of the best you can be.

And when obstacles loom, from your Roots grows a hand
Providing a strong, sturdy, safe place to land.
I’d choose these two things for the gifts that are best,
For with Roots and with Wings, you’ll find all the rest!


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