When you feel that there is nothing you can do, do something; create.
Jim Rohn
Are you feeling defeated at this point in your life? Do you have 5 minutes to spare me? Click to watch the inspiring video based on the true story of a group of children in Koh Panyee, a little island in the south of Thailand. It is a floating village in the middle of the sea that has not an inch of soil. The children there loved to watch football but they had no place to play or practice. Guess what they did?
When there was nothing they could do, they did something; they create. Paraphrasing what Jim Rohn said, “They really wanted to play football and they found a way to do. They certainly did not let the lack of space became an excuse. What they did is simply amazing and it goes on to inspire and change the lives of future generation on the island.
Were there times in your life where you had really wanted to do something and you just went on to find a way or to create one?
Personally, one such experience happened back in 2005 during a business trip in the Philippines. I had an appointment to give a presentation to a group of students in a college about 2 hours away from Davao city. The journey consisted partly in a cab and in a jeepney (a type of public transport in the Philippines). I couldn’t remember neither a thing during the rides to the college nor the conversation I had with my friend. However, I could remember clearly, as if it has just happened yesterday, what happened when I was at the college.
Upon reaching the college, I was led to their lecture theater with a group of 20-30 students waiting anxiously for me to set up my projector and laptop. Without any delay, I got down to setting up the projector and the laptop, only to find out that the laptop had failed to start up. What did I do facing the group of students? I could give the most sincere apology and I was sure they would forgive me. Or I could continue to give my presentation? There wasn’t any laptop in the college which I could borrow and even if they had passed me a laptop, the presentation slides are in my laptop. When there seemed to be nothing else which I could do, I did something.
Seeing a whiteboard at the side, I asked for some whiteboard markers. I guess you would have guessed what I was going to do. The only challenge was, I have never done the presentation on the whiteboard before although I have done it countless times in the laptop. Surprisingly but not unexpectedly, as I started to write on the whiteboard, bits and pieces of the presentation came together just as I had always done for the presentation. And judging from the responses and participation from the students, it went even better than I thought. The presentation was more personal and engagement with the students were better.
I don’t deny that consistent practice made the first time presentation on the whiteboard a breeze. Yet when I looked back upon the incidence, I realised that I had really wanted to give that presentation and I found a way to do it. If I didn’t want to do it, I could have easily found the excuse too, especially since I had a valid one.
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