People die all the time. Life is a lot more fragile than we think. So you should treat others in a way that leaves no regrets. Fairly, and if possible, sincerely. It’s too easy not to make the effort, then weep and wring your hands after the person dies.
Things You didn’t do
In his talk ‘Only You can make the Difference,’ he quoted Sigmund Freud (hope I got it right from the video), ” … all of us think that we are immortal and we’re going to live forever and we’re constantly putting things off for tomorrow.” Don’t we always feel that – there’s always tomorrow – especially so when we are procrastinating and putting things off? “I’ll just do it tomorrow,” we told ourselves.
A day to remember the fallen Angels
A special day to pay tribute to all the brave souls who had given their lives while serving the country so that you and I can sleep peacefully at night. In fact, we should be thankful to them every single day of our lives. They will never be forgotten as they will always live in the hearts of the people they loved and protected so dearly.
Poem by Chief Tecumseh in Act of Valor
I caught this poem at the end of the movie Act of Valor last night and it deeply moved me. I Googled for it the moment I got back home;…
What do we live for?
Based on a true story … I hope the video below will inspire you as much as it has inspired me! 5 Taiwanese, average age 81 One has hearing problem…
Death is nothing at all
I was reading Life in the Balance by Thomas Graboys, MD, who is a nationally renowned Boston cardiologist. He not only took care of the hearts of his patients, but…