More Wordless Wednesday I took this picture of a blooming flower from a plant I have outside my home about two months ago. My mother is the one who is…
Reunited at The Rainbow Bridge

This is specially dedicated to anyone who has lost a pet. I couldn’t lie to say that I understood what you had gone through since I did not own and lost any pet before. But I sincerely hope that you can find the strength to move on from the words and song. And one day, you will be reunited with your pets at the Rainbow Bridge.
Theme Song of Departures (Okuribito)

An incredibly enchanting and moving theme song from the Japanese movie ‘Departures (Okuribito).’
Act FAST with Stroke Symptoms can Save Lives

We not only save a person’s life acting F.A.S.T with someone who suffered these stroke symptoms, but we can also improve the chances of complete recovery.
Steve Jobs Stanford Commencement Speech 2005
Pardon me for the late post. Some of you might have already seen this speech. This is Steve Jobs Stanford Commencement Speech in 2005. In this speech that he gave,…