Photo by sveres Weekend is here again. Time to slow down to breathe and to take time to smell the roses. How is the sky over your side? Is it…
WW: It’s Beginning to Look a lot like Christmas
More Wordless Wednesday This is the month of Christmas. If you have read a post I did on Christmas last year, you would know that I grew up listening to…
Thanksgiving by Edgar Albert Guest
Gettin’ together to smile an’ rejoice, an’ eatin’ an’ laughin’ with folks of your choice; an’ kissin’ the girls an’ declarin’ that they are growin’ more…
What is That by Constantin Pilavios
We were all young once and we will all be old one day.
Building a Better World through Education

Literacy may not be the immediate solution to solve a person’s livelihood. Literacy will however, provide a person with the basic of learning and from there onwards, hopefully it will enable the person to further learning on his/her own. And hopefully with empowerment from literacy, the person’s life will improve eventually.
Chicken A La Carte by Ferdinand Dimadura
How fortunate most of us are, to have food served readily on our tables hot from the stove. And yet some of us have often taken the food for granted. We have often reminded our young ones to be grateful for the food served to them and yet most of us are guilty at time for taking it for granted too.
When I am Old
A tribute to all mothers and fathers in the world. The write up, ‘When I am Old,” below was translated by me directly from a Chinese poster I saw, pinned up, on one of the doors at my sister’s house. A gentle reminder that we were once ‘old’ when we were young. Does this make sense to you?