Just how do you impress a man and how do you impress a woman? I’m sure you’ll have a good laugh over this.
How to make a man happy and how to make a woman happy?
Just how well do you know about making a man happy and making a woman happy? Check through this list to find out just how much you know. Have fun!
One Factor that can make a difference to Relationship
When we are caught in an argument with another, when ‘winning’ temporary seems more important than the relationship with the person. At that point of time, our blood is boiling and we just want to say the nastiest things to hurt the person.
Are We Trying to Fix Our Partner’s Problem?
‘Person A was telling person B about her problems at work. Person B listened attentively and patiently while person A talked. At the same, person B was working out something…
How Do I Love Thee?
“Perhaps love is the process of my leading you gently back to yourself. Not whom I want you to be, but to who you are.” – Antoine de Saint-ExupĂ©ry In…
The Secret to a Lasting Marriage: Embrace Imperfection by Deb Graham

My mom placed a plate of eggs, sausage and extremely burned toast in front of my dad. What my dad did next teach me an invaluable lesson.
5 Things that Ruin Your Marriage
An email which I received by Dr. Aramunde which I would like to share with you. Pretty good information on maintaining a healthy marriage relationship. 1. Not having sex A…