A random act of happiness by an elderly couple from Iowa at Mayo Clinic goes viral in Youtube and made more than 6 million people smile. And that, say Francis…
The Secret to a Lasting Marriage: Embrace Imperfection by Deb Graham

My mom placed a plate of eggs, sausage and extremely burned toast in front of my dad. What my dad did next teach me an invaluable lesson.
5 Things that Ruin Your Marriage
An email which I received by Dr. Aramunde which I would like to share with you. Pretty good information on maintaining a healthy marriage relationship. 1. Not having sex A…
How To Try And Save A Marriage
Quite a good article I read about saving the marriage. Indeed marriage could get pretty stressful at time and it would really be a good idea to take a break…
The Power Of Kindness In Relationships
There is one choice you can make that will heal many of your relationship problems. This is the choice of kindness – to both yourself and to others. This may…
101 romantic ideas and tips for men & women who are in Love…….
1. Remember to say “I love you” and “I need you” often. 2. Walk hand in hand in the rain. 3. Write a love poem. 4. Call a radio station…
Love Message in a Book
Take a book that your partner is reading and using a pencil, underline letters at a page of the book which she has not read yet to spell out a…