Earth Day, a day we renew our pledge to be part of the green revolution and to demonstrate support for environmental protection.
Inspirational Messages for Students and Motivational Quotes
Being in school is not an easy thing. Because of this, we’ve curated a few inspirational messages and quotes to encourage you in your education journey.
Promise Yourself, The Optimist Creed, Christian D. Larson
Promise Yourself (The Optimist Creed) by Christian D. Larson ‘Promise Yourself’, also known as ‘The Optimist Creed’, was written by Christian D. Larson. It was originally published in his book…
Live today. Not yesterday. Not tomorrow. Just today
Yes. Live today. Not yesterday. Not tomorrow. Just today. Inhabit your moments. Don’t rent them out to tomorrow.
Taiwan’s Unstoppable Granny Running Full Speed at 81
Pan Shiu-Yu cycles, runs 7km, and plays one hour of tennis every day before heading to work. Now 81, this unstoppable granny has barely slowed down.
15 Things You should give up to be happy
Want to be happy? Following Luminita D. Saviuc’s 15 things you should give up to be happy can very well put you on track to an easier and happier life.
Selling wooden combs to monks
Once upon a time, the owner of a large store announced that he wished to hire a manager to oversee his expanding business. His need was urgent and he was prepared to make an unprecedented offer to the best talent available. This news immediately attracted hundreds of applicants.