This comic beautifully illustrated the quote from Hugh Downs which I shared yesterday, “A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes.” In this case … a dog.
The True Measure of Greatness by Randall S. Weeks
A young student once asked his old teacher, “Teacher, what is the true measure of greatness?” The teacher looked far away into the mountains and gave the following reply:
Life Vest Inside – Kindness Boomerang
Watch as the camera tracks an act of kindness as its passed from one individual to the next and manages to boomerang back to the person who set it into motion.
“Problem Child” has innate hidden talent
This boy was previously thought to be a “problem child” in an elementary school. Fortunately, his teacher didn’t give up on him and ‘gave’ him a little more time instead. And sure enough, he certainly impressed his teacher with his innate hidden talent in drawing and loved of marine lives.
It takes guts to be a teacher
In a powerful letter to all teachers, Nelba Marquez-Greene, the mother of one of the children killed in the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting, wrote, “It takes guts to be a teacher.”
Homeless Man will be rewarded after being Good Samaritan
Glen James, a homeless man living in Boston, may not be homeless anymore after he promptly returned over $40,000 in lost money; consisting of $2,400 in cash and $39,500 in travelers checks, which he found at the South Bay Mall in Dorchester on Saturday evening.
‘Giving’ – TrueMoveH’s 3mins Heart-touching Commercial
Giving without any expectation or hope of return – that is the true value of giving. Yet the law of the Universe always works in an amazing way. A powerful reminder that giving not only blesses the receiver, but also the one who gives