Dealing with Procrastination

Dealing with Procrastination

Procrastination is probably one of the longest words in my dictionary. I used to have problem spelling it; I used to spell it as ‘Procastination’ without the ‘r.’ Not to worry, I am not going to talk about spelling today. I am going to talk about dealing with procrastination.

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Wordless Wednesday: Blooming Red Flowers (Hibiscus/Gumamela)

More Wordless Wednesday My brother and I brought our nephews to the barber for their regular haircut. I saw these blooming red flowers and just had to take out my…

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Strangers are family you have yet to come to know

Strangers are family you have yet to come to know

Many years ago, someone told me that strangers are friends you have yet to come to know. It was an ‘aha’ moment back then. How true isn’t it? ‘Stranger’ becomes a temporary word used to describe someone we do not know by name. If we know the name of a person, that person would become an associate or an acquaintance or in a more intimate term – a friend.

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