Reading the title of this post, did you think that I was talking about the movie ‘Don’t Look Back,’ starring Bob Dylan. ‘Don’t Look Back’ is a 1967 documentary film…
She by Charles Aznavour
I was going through a question in Yahoo! Answers earlier on where someone was asking for cute quotes or lyrics from any songs, which she can use as an away…
Our Deepest Fear by Marianne Williamson

Are there any area in our lives where we are under achieving because of our deepest fear of who we will become or what we will do? The answer can be found within.
In Remembrance of the Greatness

Memorial Day is a United States Federal Holiday observed on the last Monday of May. Formerly known as Decoration Day, it commemorates U.S. men and women who perished while in military service to their country. First enacted to honor Union soldiers of the American Civil War, after World War I it was expanded to include casualties of any war or military action.
If by Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936)

Although Rudyard Kipling wrote the poem ‘If’ in 1895, it has stood the test of time and its wisdom referred to countless times. If by Rudyard Kipling not only serve as an inspiring read, but may also serve as maxims for life – guidelines for one’s integrity, characters and determination at all time.
Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep

Mary Elizabeth Frye first wrote ‘Do not stand at my grave and weep’ for a German Jewish friend, Margaret Schwarzkopf when Margaret’s mother died. She told Mary Frye she had not had the chance to stand by her mother’s grave and weep.
One and Only You by James T. Moore
Every single blade of grass, And every flake of snow, Is just a wee bit different. There’s no two alike, you know. From something small, like grains of sand, To each gigantic star all were made with THIS in mind: To be just what they are!