The festive season is fast approaching and there will be numerous parties where you’ll be having a great deal of fun. When there are parties, there are always alcoholic drink…
Child Obesity: Who Should Take Responsibility?
‘Eat all and whatever you desire … then pop this quick fix diet pill and you will slim down.‘ Frightening thought! This was something I heard in the news a…
Blaming Others for the Mistakes

As the saying goes, “it is always easier to find fault with others than with ourselves.” Dr. Robert Anthony said, “When you blame others, you give up your power to change.” Let us take ownership and stop blaming others for the mistakes.
What is That by Constantin Pilavios
We were all young once and we will all be old one day.
Driving While Texting Can Kill
Is it absolutely necessary for you to send the text? Most probably it will not kill you if you do not send. But 4.6 seconds over a 6-seconds interval definitely increase the chance of killing yourself or other.
Wordless Wednesday: Children See, Children Do
Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them. Children see, children do.
Sniffing Life Away with ‘Rugby’
Photo by Akira Liwanag I have been troubled by a thought in my mind for the past few days. Although here in Singapore, my mind wanders off to a faraway…