If you came from Entrecard, you would have realised that the Entrecard’s widget was removed from this site. It is time to bid farewell and to move on. Let us…
Weakness or Strength?
Photo by pnijhuis Some time ago, I was giving a training on personal leadership to a class of secondary students when I came across a story of a 10 year…
1 Kilogram of Love
Please give me one foot of Happiness, one pint of kindness, one acre of care and … er … I change my mind. Give me 1 kilogram of Love instead.
Want to be Happy? Don’t Watch TV

Are you happy? According to this report by Daily News, if you are happy, then you’re not watching much TV. It was stated in the report that those considered themselves to be happy spend more time reading and socializing. According to an extensive research study, unhappy people watch more TV than those who feel happy.
The More I Learn …
Have you ever come across a story of a young monk going up the mountain to learn from a wise old monk? I could only remember some parts of the…
A Journey of a Thousand Miles…
Photo by uluc This morning I went for my usual jog and this was one of the mornings where I found the jogging path especially long. It is the same…