Read this poem by Mary Rita Schilke Korzan this morning and thought that I would like to share this beautiful poem with you. From Barnes and Noble, it was mentioned…
Love Transcends the Senses
I watched this before but it never really captured me. A friend of mine shared this on her Facebook a while ago and it kind of spoke to me. And…
Rising to the Occasion
On April 15, 1981, Vanda Miss Joaquim was chosen as Singapore’s national flower from among 40 other contenders, including some 30 orchids. It was selected particularly because of its hardy…
What is That by Constantin Pilavios
We were all young once and we will all be old one day.
When I am Old
A tribute to all mothers and fathers in the world. The write up, ‘When I am Old,” below was translated by me directly from a Chinese poster I saw, pinned up, on one of the doors at my sister’s house. A gentle reminder that we were once ‘old’ when we were young. Does this make sense to you?