Helping the Homeless

You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view … until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.

You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view

You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view … until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.

– Harper Lee

Couldn’t have said it better than Harper Lee! Who are we to judge another? Like Lee said, ” … until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.” And when we do, I believe we wouldn’t be passing any judgement on the person. Something which I read somewhere before, “Walk a mile in my shoes. See what I see. Hear what I hear. Feel what I feel. Then, maybe you’ll understand why I do what I do. Till then, don’t judge me.”

Let us learn to be a little more understanding and less haste in the need to judge anyone. There were times when I was just too fast in passing a remark or statement about someone and this quote from Lee serves as a great reminder to myself.

Teenage football players execute life changing play

Winning is always somewhat sweeter, heartwarming and life changing when we take time to help others to win in life. The selfless act by this group of teenage football player is truly inspiring and the world is certainly a brighter place with these kids in it. I believe too, that their act of kindness will also go on to inspire the love, kindness and compassion of people around them.

As what H. Jackson Brown Jr. said, “Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more.”

Source: CBS Evening News

Zen from a Dog Comic

This comic beautifully illustrated the quote from Hugh Downs which I shared yesterday, “A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes.” In this case … a dog.

Zen from Dog Comic

This inspiring three-legged dog lesson was created by Fabio Coala, one of the great cartoonists of this Brazilian web

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The True Measure of Greatness by Randall S. Weeks

The True Measure of Greatness by Randall S. Weeks

Not everybody can be famous but everybody can be great because greatness is determined by service …

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

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Life Vest Inside – Kindness Boomerang

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.


Indeed, no matter how small an act of kindness is, it never fails to warmth the heart of the receiver and for the giver, you’ll feel fabulous too! And if you happen to witness a random act of kindness, don’t you feel good and be influenced, to certain extent, to perform an act of kindness for another?

Voltaire said, “I have decided to be happy because it’s good for my health.” I have decided to be kind because I believe it’s good for my health too because being kind makes one happy.

Not only that, Kindness starts a ripple and when it is reciprocated or when it is paid forward, the ripple has no logical endings. And kindness is the hardest to give away because no matter what, it always comes back in one way or another. This video brilliantly illustrates an act of kindness as its passed from one individual to the next and eventually boomerang back to the person who set it into motion.

Be the change you want to see in the world and spread the kindness ripple.

“Problem Child” has innate hidden talent

Problem Child has innate hidden talent

“Problem Child” has innate hidden talent

“Wait long enough and people will surprise and impress. When you’re pissed off at someone and you’re angry at them, you just haven’t given them enough time. Just give them a little more time and they almost always will impress you.”

Randy Pausch

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