CEO of the People, Haruka Nishimatsu of Japan Airline truly brings leadership to a while new level of meaning. “If management is distant, up in the clouds, people just wait for orders,” Nishimatsu told CBS News through a translator. “I want my people to think for themselves.” Nishimatsu says a CEO doesn’t motivate by how many millions he makes, but by convincing employees you’re all together in the same boat.
According to the CBS News report, his salary for running the worlds 10th largest airline: not millions, but one year as low as $90,000. When he was forced to cut salaries for everyone else, he also cut his own.
How many CEOs out there were doing that in the recent crisis? Here is one who was leading by example. I am one who not only believe in walking the talk but also in being the change I want to see in the world; these were exactly what I could relate to immediately when I first saw the video. Haruka Nishimatsu is truly one who can inspire his team and I believe that with him heading Japan Airline, the company would continue to fly through the turbulence ahead.
In a world where many seek to lead, not many are willing to serve. I believe that a great leader is the best servant; one who is willing to bring himself down to serve anyone.
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