The Different CEO of Japan Airline – Haruka Nishimatsu

Haruka NishimatsuCEO of the People, Haruka Nishimatsu of Japan Airline truly brings leadership to a while new level of meaning. “If management is distant, up in the clouds, people just wait for orders,” Nishimatsu told CBS News through a translator. “I want my people to think for themselves.” Nishimatsu says a CEO doesn’t motivate by how many millions he makes, but by convincing employees you’re all together in the same boat.

According to the CBS News report, his salary for running the worlds 10th largest airline: not millions, but one year as low as $90,000. When he was forced to cut salaries for everyone else, he also cut his own.

How many CEOs out there were doing that in the recent crisis? Here is one who was leading by example. I am one who not only believe in walking the talk but also in being the change I want to see in the world; these were exactly what I could relate to immediately when I first saw the video. Haruka Nishimatsu is truly one who can inspire his team and I believe that with him heading Japan Airline, the company would continue to fly through the turbulence ahead.

In a world where many seek to lead, not many are willing to serve. I believe that a great leader is the best servant; one who is willing to bring himself down to serve anyone.

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I Wish …

Most of the time it is just a simple wish to have more time with us. Just as your little ones, they just want to spend more time with you.

I wish that I will always have the patience to wait for you and to walk side by side with you slowly so that I can be your support and walking stick.

I wish that I will always have the wisdom to understand your love and concern for me.

I wish that I will always shower you with unconditional love and acceptance as you have for me from the time I was born till now. You will always be a blessing and one of the greatest gifts in life.

I wish that I will always find time for you, no matter how busy I am.

No … don’t wish. We just have to do it.

I will always have the patience to wait for you and to walk side by side with you slowly so that I can be your support stick.

I will always have the wisdom to understand your love and concern for me.

I will always shower you with unconditional love and acceptance as you have for me from the time I was born till now. You will always be a blessing and one of the greatest gifts in life.

And last but not least, I will always find time for you no matter how busy I am.

Close to You by Karen Carpenter

This is the season of love especially with Christmas just over and the new year has just started. Coming in February will be Saint Valentine’s Day. The season of loving, giving and sharing. In fact, the spirit of loving, giving and sharing should be on 365 days every day, every hour, every minute and every second. If there should be only one way of living, then love should be the way to live.

Sharing with you Close to You performed by Karen Carpenter, a lady with a very unique and beautiful voice.

Lyrics of Close to You

Why do birds suddenly appear,
every time you are near?

Just like me,they long to be
close to you.

Why do stars fall down from the sky,every time you walk by?
Just like me,they long to be close to you.

On the day that you were born, the angels got together and decided to
create a dream come true.
So, they sprinkled moon dust in your hair, with gold and starlight
in your eyes of blue.

That is why all the girls in town follow you all around;
Just like me, they long to be close to you.

Embracing Changes and Challenges!

Do you resist changes in life? Honestly, I do resist changes in life sometimes. Most people or at least a lot of people resist changes too. Changes come especially challenging when things are getting very comfortable. Just imagine a rainy morning and you are all warm and cozy in your bed but you have to get up and get ready for work. Do you give yourself another 5 minutes in your bed and then take another 5 until you know you will run late if you continue to snuggle in bed. I know I would sometimes.

And yet, it is exciting to get out of bed. I would love a cup of hot chocolate to start the rainy day, watching the raindrops falling from the sky, the ripples they create when they fall into a pool of water, the sound of the raindrops beating against the window and last but not least, the freshness and sweetness in the air.

For me, it has been the most exciting 4 months and with a lot of changes. What I observed or experienced was a challenge would follow every change. At first the challenge would appear insurmountable and that is because we do not have the capability yet to overcome it. Or rather, what I will say is, “We thought we do not have the capability to overcome it.” However, the truth of the matter is, “We will not be given a challenge too big for us!” This is what I believe and this is what I use to remind myself constantly.

Just as we might continue to focus on the challenge and some will view it as problem; we must remind ourselves to focus on finding the solution. We may not have direct control to the challenge, but we always have the Power to choose what we want to focus on. Use that Power which is given to you and which cost you nothing. Because frankly speaking, if we do not use that Power given to us, someone else would be using the Power given to him/her to choose for us. Just as the quotation from the movie The Astronaut Farmer, “You better know what you want to do before somebody know it for you.” So we better start using that Power given to us before somebody use his/hers on us.

And finally after we overcome the challenge, we grow. With every challenge, there is a great potential for us to grow and to become a better person. Not only that, we are automatically ready for bigger changes and challenges in life. This simple reason of growth makes change ever exciting for me!

What we really must do is Embracing Changes and Challenges and this journey call life will surely be an exciting and memorable one!

What does changes and challenges mean to you?

Photo by k_vohsen
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Don’t Quit Till You Have Nothing Left

Weekend is here. Just to share with you all an inspiring short clip from the movie ‘Facing the Giants.’ A friend shared this short clip with me and I knew straight away that this is one video which I want to share with all of you.

This is very applicable to our daily life; we can always question ourselves, “Are we giving our best shot?” This is especially true when things are not going the way that we wanted to. Another great point from the short clip is

Your attitude is the aroma of your heart. If your attitude stinks, it means your heart’s not right.

Wishing all of you a POWER weekend!

October’s Blessings

Halloween PumpkinWith one more day to Halloween, which is an annual holiday observed on October 31, primarily in the United States, Canada, Ireland, and the United Kingdom (according to Wikipedia), we will also be coming to the end of October. And guess what? It will Christmas! Yes! I’m this excited about Christmas! However, before that, a gentle reminder to myself to be grateful for the many blessings in October.

It can be so easy to miss these little blessings that come our way if we do not pay attention enough. Just the other night, I experienced my second case of blackout in Cheras, Malaysia but the fortunate thing was, I was done with my shower and was getting ready for bed already. Thus when the blackout came, I just turned in earlier than usual. Despite the blackout, it was a peaceful night overall.

Sharing my October’s blessings with you, in the form of pictures I took with the Sony Xperia x10 mini. I am still quite satisfy with the photos I am getting so far.

I saw these mushrooms a few weeks ago when I was helping a friend to clean up his new house, they were unlike most of the mushrooms which I had seen in Singapore before and I decided to take a shot of them.

These flowers bear edible fruits which can be pretty juicy. When I was young, we used to eat this by dipping it in a mixture of dark soy sauce and cut chili slices. I caught them at my friend’s old house when I was helping him in the moving a few days ago. You can take a look at the picture of how the fruits look like. It will be pinkish to red in colour when it is ripe. In Malay, it is called ‘Jambu.’ I have no idea what it is called in English. Any idea?

What do children do in the olden days when there were no computers, PS2, Wii or whatever form of modern days entertainment? They would invent new game, or should I say prank, with what Mother Nature provided. They would pluck the part of the plant (below photo) with many tiny little thorns and throw it at the school uniform of their classmates; it stuck on the uniform instantly. The tiny thorns would then ‘act’ like needles, pricking at the back of their classmates. Not exactly a nice thing to do but it wouldn’t do great harm too.

Wishing all of you a beautiful weekend and have fun counting your blessings for October and living in the moment little pleasures. Do feel free to share your October’s blessings with me or make a post about them.

First Halloween photo by ladyleaf

If I Had My Life to Live Over

I believe that most of us have read the words below in one way or another; either you have read it through an email from your friends or you may have read from somewhere else. However, how many of us have actually stopped, really thought and taken a moment to reflect on what were shared in these words. These words were attributed to Erma Bombeck who achieved great popularity for her newspaper column that described suburban home life humorously from the mid-1960s until the late 1990s. Bombeck also published 15 books, most of which became best-sellers.

Lets take a moment to imagine our life is already at its end but we are given another chance to have our life to live over again starting today. How would we live it differently?

If I had my Life to Live Over
by Erma Bombeck

If I had my life to live over, I would have talked less and listened more.
I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained and the sofa faded.
I would have eaten the popcorn in the ‘good’ living room and worried much less about the dirt when someone wanted to light a fire in the fireplace.

I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth.
I would never have insisted the car windows be rolled up on a summer day because my hair had just been teased and sprayed.
I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a rose before it melted in storage.

I would have sat on the lawn with my children and not worried about grass stains.
I would have cried and laughed less while watching television – and more while watching life.
I would have shared more of the responsibility carried by my husband.

I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretending the earth would go into a holding pattern if I weren’t there for the day.
I would never have bought anything just because it was practical, wouldn’t show soil or was guaranteed to last a lifetime.

Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, I’d have cherished every moment and realized that the wonderment growing inside me was the only chance in life to assist God in a miracle.
When my kids kissed me impetuously, I would never have said, “Later. Now go get washed up for dinner.”

There would have been more “I love you’s”.. More “I’m sorrys” …

But mostly, given another shot at life, I would seize every minute… look at it and really see it … live it…and never give it back.

© Erma Bombeck

Photo by br0