Reflecting Upon Our Blessings

Gratitude imageIf there is one thought I hope to pass to you for the weekend, it would have to be this powerful thought I read from one of Charles Dickens quotations this morning. If we could all take back this one powerful thought at face value to apply it consciously and diligently in our daily life, I strongly believe that life would never be the same for you and I! Charles Dickens said, “Reflect upon your present blessings of which every man has many – not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.” Lets take a moment to digest that.

Somehow that one quotation touched me deeply and within an hour of reading it, I had shared it in my Facebook’s profile, with groups and friends. If there is a way to reach out to all people in the world, I would be doing it happily. Such a simple and direct thought, yet it can truly benefit us.

Gratitude is a positive thought that can empower the mind. In good times, it keeps us in check and remind us to share our blessings by giving unconditionally, without expectation to people around us and to the less fortunate. In bad times, Gratitude is probably the next best companion, besides support from family and friends.

In fact, there would be times when even our family and friends might not be there to root for us. However, like a loyal servant, Gratitude is always there; it is patiently waiting for us to summon it and ever ready to serve us. It works with us and give us the strength to get back on our feet during bad times. When life hits us with bricks on the head, it gives us the faith to move on and positively change our perspective of the situation.

I am consciously reminding myself to count my blessings especially when times are bad (I should be doing it even in good times), so that I can instantly re-frame my mind to be grateful for what is happening and to learn from the situation; sometimes it can be effortless but at times it can be a real challenge.

But like muscles in our body, which we need to work out regularly to make them stronger, we also need to regularly work out on counting the blessings; the more we do it, the better we get at tapping on the positive power of Gratitude.

Some of us will question, “How could one be grateful for the natural calamity which happened to one? The lost of loved ones, the lost of properties, the pain and suffering one went through!” However, we had witnessed how some of these strong individuals had re-bounced instantly, put asides their own lost and miseries, to reach out to others. I couldn’t hope to speak or know what was at the back of their mind, but I believe the feeling of Gratitude was one of the inner strengths within them.

However, we have very often heard from many who had near death experience to find new meaning in life and they become greater beings. Had you personally fought with cancer or knew of someone around you who did and triumphed over it? What was going through your mind? I couldn’t hope to speak anyone’s mind too but I believe there was definitely a feeling of Gratitude; the gratefulness to be alive.

I, too, am grateful to be alive and sharing with you the above quotation by Charles Dickens, “Reflect upon your present blessings…” As you were reading this, what were the blessings which came across your mind? Please feel free to share your blessings with us.

An idea by a dear blogger friend, Jacqueline: She keeps a gratitude journal which she will write down each day at least 3 things she is grateful for. I think it is a fantastic idea to keep a gratitude journal where we can always go back to read it.

Photo by rnoel1
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WW: I left my footprint, Summit of Bukit Timah Hill


More Wordless Wednesday

Bukit Timah, which literally means “tin hill” in Malay, is Singapore’s highest hill at 163.63 metres (537 ft.). It is also the highest point in Singapore according to Wikipedia. Composed mainly of granite, Bukit Timah Hill was once an active quarrying site in the mid-1900s but has since then become one of the popular nature reserves in Singapore.

I was there last week for a morning walk with a group of friends and had unintentionally left my footprint at the summit. Since we were in a nature reserve, I thought it was only naturally to walk barefooted and be connected to nature. It had been a long time since I last did a barefooted walk but nevertheless it was an enjoyable experience.

A morning walk in the goodness of nature was both refreshing and revitalising; followed by a simple and yet good breakfast. The goodness of life can be so simple and yet fulfilling to the heart and soul.

Take a break and take a walk in the goodness of nature and feel the positive energy of nature going through your body!

I am truly thankful and grateful for the foot that left the footprint!

If you happen to be in Singapore and want to take a morning walk in Bukit Timah Hill, you can take a look at the below information:

By Bus
SBS service 170.
TIBs services 67, 75, 171, 173, 184, 852 and 961.

Alight along Upper Bukit Timah Road, opposite Bukit Timah Shopping Centre and Beauty World Centre, or along Jalan Anak Bukit, opposite Courts furniture store, and walk to the end of Hindhede Drive.

By Car
Travelling from the city, follow the direction of Upper Bukit Timah Road towards Woodlands, make a u-turn just after the Courts furniture store and turn left into Hindhede Drive. Limited parking is available at the foothill of the reserve. To minimise our impact to the reserve, especially on weekends, you may like to take the public transport instead.

Photo taken by Sony Ericsson Cybey-shot Camera Phone
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Death is nothing at all

Death CemeteryI was reading Life in the Balance by Thomas Graboys, MD, who is a nationally renowned Boston cardiologist. He not only took care of the hearts of his patients, but also their souls. In his foreword, Peter Zheutlin said,

…what truly set Tom apart was his uncommon humanity, his intense concern for what ailed the hearts and the souls of his patients, and his unstinting generosity with his time. Despite the crushing workload he carried on his shoulders, no patient was ever rushed and no patient concern was ever belittled. A patient’s annual follow-up with Tom always ran for an hour or so, unheard of in this era of managed care. After each examination, Tom would sit, knee to knee with the patient, on a small sofa in his office and talk. He never interposed his desk. He treated you as equal.

I respect and salute people who walked their talk! I’m quoting the above as my way of honouring a Dr. Thomas Graboys who was a great doctor, which can be so rare these days.

What also caught my attention when I was reading the book was a poem about death he found solace in. I, too, found these words comforting. Death is one heavy topic which some avoid, including myself at time, and yet it is journey everyone will take whether one chooses to or not.

I was chatting to a friend recently on Facebook and she was telling me about someone she knows in UK who is already starting to plan for his death and he was only in his twenties then. A thought immediately came to my mind then, “If we keep planning for our death, would we ever learn to truly live our life to the fullest?

Death is a positive reminder that we would not be living forever; the time will come naturally or it may just creep up on us when we least expect. Death is just part of the whole package of living.

When the time comes for us, we will move from this end into a new beginning; “… I have only slipped away into the next room … I am I and you are you…” This poem is comforting as it described death as sort of a ‘new beginning’ that one takes on; death is not an end. I wish anyone who have lost could also find comfort in this poem.

Death is nothing at all by Canon Henry Scott-Holland

Death is nothing at all
I have only slipped away into the next room
I am I and you are you
Whatever we were to each other
That we are still
Call me by my old familiar name
Speak to me in the easy way you always used
Put no difference into your tone
Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow
Laugh as we always laughed
At the little jokes we always enjoyed together
Play, smile, think of me, pray for me
Let my name be ever the household word that it always was
Let it be spoken without effort
Without the ghost of a shadow in it
Life means all that it ever meant
It is the same as it ever was
There is absolute unbroken continuity
What is death but a negligible accident?
Why should I be out of mind
Because I am out of sight?
I am waiting for you for an interval
Somewhere very near
Just around the corner
All is well.
Nothing is past; nothing is lost
One brief moment and all will be as it was before
How we shall laugh at the trouble of parting when we meet again!

Photo by Mattox

Eat Healthy – Save on Healthcare and Insurance

Fried chickenJust about a week ago, while I was assisting to coach a group of students in Mathematics, we came across one question which could be easily solved; if and only if the students could think simple. I couldn’t blame them for making the problem sum complicated. When I was at their age, I had probably jump straight into solving the problem sum without much thoughts or maybe with too much thoughts.

This reminds me of an email which I received a few years ago. Some of you may still remember an email which told the story about scientists from 2 nations trying to come out with a solution to enable astronauts to write in space under weightless condition. The scientists in one nation ended up spending a fortune to come out with a new type of pen which would enable astronauts to write in a weightless condition. The scientists from the other country? They just used pencil.

I am not sure how genuine the story of the email was but it brilliantly illustrated the point of thinking simple. We may think it is easy to think simple. However, given a situation, most will analyse it … analyse it again …. then throw in some thought processes using problem solving skills which we were taught in school until at some points we risk being paralysed by our thoughts.

If someone was to come out with a simple solution, we might question, “Can it be so simple and straightforward?” Some of us, even myself at time, may not be able to accept the simple and straightforward solution. The question is, “Why couldn’t it be that simple?

Confucius said, “Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.

I read a news report about a week ago which stated, “Junk food kills more than 40,000 in the UK every year.” It was stated in the report, “Junk food ‘wrecked a terrible toll of ill health’ and placed a ‘substantial’ strain on the economy.

In another report by Reuters, “Junk food addiction may be clue to obesity: study.” According to the report, “Obesity-related diseases cost the United States an estimated $150 billion each year, according to U.S. federal agencies. An estimated two-thirds of American adults and one-third of children are obese or overweight.

Thinking simple, the first report touched on a very key point: junk foods not only cause health problems but also a financial strain on the economy – think about the hundreds of millions that could have been saved on health cares and insurances, and in the case of the second report $150 billion.

Doesn’t it makes sense for us to change our eating habits then? Remember that consumers do have power! If we do not support the junk food industry, they need to change for the better … for us. There is a need for them to change how they are producing our food; government must also step in to introduce legislation to ensure that food manufacturers are making their products healthier.

A healthier you will ensure a healthier nation, which will also translate to saving on health cares and insurances. Can it be that simple?

Photo by lockstockb
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WW: Filial Piety (Father and Son)

Follow the journey of a young boy of a three-generation household, as he sees first hand the importance of respecting, honouring, and loving his parents, through the best and the worst of times. What truly captured my heart is the line, “How one generation loves, the next generation learns.” There couldn’t be more true to that line; I learn respect, unconditional love and acceptance from watching how my parents treat their parents.

More Wordless Wednesday

My grandmother taught me a valuable lesson in Patience, Unconditional Love and Acceptance recently. She was admitted in the hospital for more than two weeks. For the two weeks, we took turns to take care of her during the day so that the caregiver could take a rest at home and be back in the evening to take care of her through the night.

Initially for the first 3 nights she was very restless and hallucinating; seeing things and people around her and making noises. There was really nothing much we could do, except to try to calm her down in different ways.

Fortunately she got much better and her mind much clearer after the third day; she could recognise us. However, she was still eating very little and getting weaker. We tried buying her some of her favorite food and cooking what she requested but she was still not eating. The doctor was telling us if she continued to refuse to eat, they would have to feed her by inserting a tube through her nostril down the throat and into her stomach. We were all at a lost and didn’t know what to do except to hope that she would start eating.

Then miraculously she started eating more and more. Soon she regained her strength back. My grandmother is a very strong-willed lady who always want to win. Thus the first thing when she got back her strength, she wanted to go home; the hospital couldn’t discharge her as they were monitoring her blood sugar level (which has been high) as well as her hemoglobin (which has been low). We had to try all ways to pacify her to stay in hospital.

The good news is, she was discharged from the hospital yesterday.

Simple Pleasures by Constantin Pilavios

Beautiful sunset

Very often, we may take for granted the simple things which we enjoy in our daily life until we may not be enjoying it the way they are. In this short film directed by Constantin Pilavios, it was mentioned in the film that, “… happiness is nothing more … than moments … small and invisible moments.” Moments … some of us may have taken for granted. What are the little things that we have enjoyed doing but have given up because of our busy schedules day in, day out?

Some of the Random things or simple pleasures I like:

  • A sunrise!
  • A bright sunny day.
  • A cooling breeze blowing in my face on a hot day when I am walking.
  • The singing and dancing of the leaves and branches to the wind.
  • Blue skies!
  • White and big fluffy clouds which remind me of cotton candy I had when I was young.
  • The dark clouds before the storm.
  • The smell of rain in the air and the peacefulness before the storm.
  • The sounds created by the rain falling on different things.
  • The raindrops falling down on puddles of water and the ripples.
  • The fresh smell of the air after the rain.
  • The droplets on the green after the rain.
  • Rainbow!
  • The green of the trees and grasses.
  • The flowers.
  • Going for my run.
  • The occasional snails I see when I go for run.
  • The wild mushrooms I see when I go for my run… it could be quite hard to spot them around my place.
  • The wonderful feeling after the run and sweating it out.
  • Singing while I am walking.
  • Watching people and observing them in the public transports.
  • Watching children playing, running, smiling, giggling and laughing.
  • Observing and act of random kindness.
  • Performing act of random kindness without expectation.
  • Making a different to the life of another.
  • Last but not least, spending quality time with family and friends!
  • And of course a sunset!
  • As you have noticed, I could probably go on and on with the list of things and simple pleasures which I like and enjoy doing; and which also make me happy! When we take the time out for the moments in life, we would discover the simple pleasures these moments bring to us.

    Why not take out a piece of paper or make a post in your blog today and do this exercise with me? Write down as many as you want, the simple pleasures which you like and enjoy doing everyday …. and most importantly which also make you happy.

    Photo by nbphotogfy
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    The Secret to Happiness

    A Happy GirlThat is a bold title I must say and yet all of us know the secret to happiness; it is how we apply the secret that our results vary from each other. Some are naturally happier and some work hard to be happy but never seem to be any happier. Most people want to be happy and why then are we not happy? We may be thinking right now, “How can we be happy? We have our family problems, health problems, relationship problems, financial problems etc the list just goes on and on.” Now, can I have a show of hand who wants to be happy?

    Scientifically, happiness has been said to be related to the Serotonin level in us. “Of the approximately 40 million brain cells, most are influenced either directly or indirectly by Serotonin. This includes brain cells related to mood, sexual desire and function, appetite, sleep, memory and learning, temperature regulation, and some social behavior,” according to

    In so speaking, is Serotonin the answer to all our unhappiness? The answer may not be as straightforward since we cannot simply inject a dosage of Serotonin into the body. Fortunately, according to an article in PubMed Central, the author mentioned that the possible approaches to increasing Serotonin are exposing to bright light, exercise and through our diet. I would leave you to explore that further on your own while I go on to disclosing what I thought to be the secret of happiness that we all know.

    I read an interesting article recently by Belinda and she mentioned, “Have you ever looked up quotes on happiness by great thinkers? If not, I recommend you don’t. It won’t make you happy. It might even depress you.” I tend to agree with her to a large extent as you can find numerous quotations on happiness. And who is right or who is wrong? It truly differs from person to person; what makes one happy may not work for another. It can certainly be confusing with so much information we have accessed to. What I would like to point out is for you to select what works for you and fuse it into your own system.

    However confusing it may be, I found that most of the quotations on happiness, which I adopted for my personal usage, all point in the same direction:

    “No one is in control of your happiness but you; therefore, you have the power to change anything about yourself or your life that you want to change.” – Barbara de Angelis

    “What we call the secret of happiness is no more a secret than our willingness to choose life.” – Leo Buscaglia

    “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” – Mahatma Gandhi

    It is all about YOU! It is the being we are seeing every time we look in the mirror. The secret of happiness is really no other than ourselves! The next question to ask ourselves is, “How can I be happy?” As indirect as it may seem, to be happy is simply choosing to be happy and making conscious choices in all areas of our daily life to be happy.

    One may question, “How can I choose to be happy? The situation is not always under my control; I can’t control the weather, the outcome of event or people around me etc! You are right! There is no way we can always control the external factors around us. But we definitely can control the internal factor within us. The simplest thing we could all do each day when we wake up in the morning is to decide to have a happy day! I did this morning. How about you?

    Photo by oanaema
    Eating Chocolate makes me happy!