“If you hear a voice within you say “you cannot paint,” then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.” – Vincent van Gogh
A few week ago, my friend posted a picture of a tree with a line “When in doubt … ,” and I immediately thought of the word “bloom!” The story behind the tree: many were doubtful that the tree would even survive. The tree ‘knew’ that the only way to cast away the doubt; it not only survives but also blooms – silencing all the voices. It made perfect sense to me right at that moment. What would be the best way to face the doubt we have of ourselves: the things we set to achieve, the goals and our dreams? I believe we all have the answer in us. Don’t Doubt Your Dream!
“What If…” by Jackie French Koller
Did you ever stop and think
how the world would be
if folks had turned out
For instance,
what if Benjamin Franklin
never tried to fly a kite,
or Shakespeare never tried to write?
What if Einstein never
used his brain
or the Wright Brothers
never tried to fly a plane?
What if Lincoln never tried
to free the slaves,
or Susan B. Anthony was
afraid to make waves?
What if Alexander Graham Bell
was content to just yell?
What if Ford never tried
to make a car,
or Walt Disney never
wished upon a star?
What if Beethoven
never tried to play?
What if Mother Teresa
turned away?
What if Babe Ruth
was afraid to swing a bat?
What if Columbus accepted
that the world was flat?
What if Lucianno Pavarotti
never tried to sing?
What if dreams were enough
for Martin Luther King?
What if Jim Thorpe
never entered the race,
or Baryshnikov let another
dance in his place?
What if Michelangelo thought
he wasn’t good enough,
or John Glenn feared
he didn’t have the right stuff?
What if all the folks
who’ve changed the world
had lived and died
and never tried?
What if you had a dream
and you held it inside
and never tried?
Photo by Vangel_PL
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