Don’t Doubt Your Dream!

DreamIf you hear a voice within you say “you cannot paint,” then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.” – Vincent van Gogh

A few week ago, my friend posted a picture of a tree with a line “When in doubt … ,” and I immediately thought of the word “bloom!” The story behind the tree: many were doubtful that the tree would even survive. The tree ‘knew’ that the only way to cast away the doubt; it not only survives but also blooms – silencing all the voices. It made perfect sense to me right at that moment. What would be the best way to face the doubt we have of ourselves: the things we set to achieve, the goals and our dreams? I believe we all have the answer in us. Don’t Doubt Your Dream!

What If…” by Jackie French Koller

Did you ever stop and think
how the world would be
if folks had turned out

For instance,
what if Benjamin Franklin
never tried to fly a kite,
or Shakespeare never tried to write?

What if Einstein never
used his brain
or the Wright Brothers
never tried to fly a plane?

What if Lincoln never tried
to free the slaves,
or Susan B. Anthony was
afraid to make waves?

What if Alexander Graham Bell
was content to just yell?

What if Ford never tried
to make a car,
or Walt Disney never
wished upon a star?

What if Beethoven
never tried to play?
What if Mother Teresa
turned away?

What if Babe Ruth
was afraid to swing a bat?
What if Columbus accepted
that the world was flat?

What if Lucianno Pavarotti
never tried to sing?
What if dreams were enough
for Martin Luther King?

What if Jim Thorpe
never entered the race,
or Baryshnikov let another
dance in his place?

What if Michelangelo thought
he wasn’t good enough,
or John Glenn feared
he didn’t have the right stuff?

What if all the folks
who’ve changed the world
had lived and died
and never tried?

What if you had a dream
and you held it inside
and never tried?

Photo by Vangel_PL
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I Wish You Love by Rachael Yamagata

Today, I would like to leave you with the beautiful and charming voice of Rachael Yamagata. It was through a friend’s sharing in her profile in Facebook that I first encountered Rachael Yamagata’s song; I fell in love with her voice. When I was exploring her other songs in Youtube and I came across one of her other songs ‘I Wish You Love.’ This is exactly the wish I have for you this weekend: I wish you love!

May this weekend fills you with loving thoughts from people around you and within yourself. May people around you speak to you with loving words and you reciprocate with words of love to them. May you also experience the loving deeds from people around you and you reciprocate with loving deeds to them. A fellow blogger, Megan, once commented, “I believe that in our lives, we are either vibrating with the energy of love, or we are not.

Thus, I wish for all of us to be filled with loving thoughts, words, and actions for others and for ourselves.

I Wish You Love by Rachael Yamagata

Lyrics of I Wish You Love

I wish you bluebirds in the spring
To give your heart a song to sing
And then a kiss, but more than this
I wish you love

And in July a lemonade
To cool you in some leafy glade
I wish you health
And more than wealth
I wish you love

My breaking heart and I agree
That you and I could never be
So with my best
My very best
I set you free

I wish you shelter from the storm
A cozy fire to keep you warm
But most of all when snowflakes fall
I wish you love

My breaking heart and I agree
That you and I could never be
So with my best
My very best
I set you free

I wish you shelter from the storm
A cozy fire to keep you warm
But most of all when snowflakes fall
I wish you love

But most of all when snowflakes fall
I wish you love.

Photo credit: Karolina

Spending Quality Time With Our Children

Spending Quality Time With Our ChildrenIn a column written by Christopher Toh in the paper today, his colleague, who is also a father, said, “…time is a luxury that we don’t have because we’re too busy trying to make sure our children have the luxuries we never had.” Instead of saying that we don’t have the time for our children, it would be more accurate to say that we do not make time to be with them because of our busy schedule. However, I believe that most would want to make time for their children.

Most parents nowadays are facing this similar challenge and are guilty of not spending enough quality time with their children. In a highly competitive society like Singapore, a lot of time both parents are working and their children are either left to the care of grandparents (who are the more fortunate one like my siblings and I) or domestic helpers.

Although it is important for parents to be working hard to provide for the family, it is equally important for parents to spend quality time with their children and to be there for them.

Reading the column reminds me of a catch-up I had with a friend last year. While giving him a ride home, I sensed his weariness and asked him about it. He shared about his new appointment at work; he was given a role to manage projects and some junior staffs. With the new appointment and responsibility, he not only had to work late almost everyday to fulfill endless deadlines but also had to spend time to guide the junior staffs. Even at home, he often had to reply to time critical email; ignoring the email could hold up the whole production.

As a result of his new appointment, he was always tired and did not have the energy to spend time with his new born girl. He told me the feeling sucked. It was clear that his top priority is his family but his work was keeping him from doing what is important to him. It was no wonder his positive energy was all drained and he appeared so tired, not only physically but also mentally. Good thing he realised what is his priority and making change.

I believe that most people realised the important to attain work-life balance but most are being thrown into the same situation as my friend. As what the columnist wrote, “The hard part of course, is putting realisation into practice.” A message from a fridge magnet given to the columnist, which I found very true, “This is how kids spell ‘love’ – ‘T.I.M.E’.” Children will not understand “…we’re too busy trying to make sure they have the luxuries we never had.” To them, ‘love’ is having us spend quality time with them and always being there for them.

We were only children once and so will our children be children once. When they grow up, the opportunity to read them books, bringing them out to the parks, taking them to the playground or, as apparently as in the case with the columnist’s son, just lying there next to him as he sleeps will be lost forever. We won’t get a second chance.

Photo by cema
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WW: Famous Vineyard in the World?

More Wordless Wednesday

Was this picture taken at the world’s most expensive wine vineyard, the estate of Romanée-Conti, which blackmailer recently threatened to poison the vines. and extorted one million euros from the estate?

Or was it taken in California, the largest wine-producing area in the US?

Or was it taken in the Hunter Valley, which is just two-hours north of Sydney and seemed like the more possible location for a short weekend getaway from Singapore?

Sad to say, it was not taken at any of the vineyards in any of the above locations. I was surprised and also delighted to find this growing in Singapore. Yes, you heard me right! This is grown by Wine Culture, which is one of the premier fine and rare wines boutiques and distributors in Singapore and the region.

Of course when I saw it, I had to take a shot with my Sony Ericsson Cyber-shot camera phone. Pardon me for the low quality image. I’m sure if I have a decent digital SLR with a decent lens to go with it, I would have given you a much higher quality shot which is sharp and crisp. I am happy with this shot for the time being since we don’t get to see grapes growing in Singapore everyday.

Re-Engineering Fate

Change can be challengingFor some, it would have been ‘easier said than done!’ They might even resign to the deck of cards that fate had dealt them. “It is my fate! I must resign to it.” They said. Sad to say, they are right, if they believe so.

I believe no one promised him that his journey would be an easy one; no one painted him a journey with straight smooth paths and flowers at the side, where the sun will always shine brightly with occasional rain to nourish the lands. And definitely no one guaranteed him result.

It was his fate to scale all brick walls that stood in his way to top his class and I believe that he will continue to go against all odds in his life.

Brendan Lee emerged as the top student despite his dyslexia. He said,

I didn’t have much of a childhood. I had to go to the dyslexia association, Singapore General Hospital for my speech therapy, home tuition, school tuition, so there was no time for leisure. Many times, I was demoralised. My friends would ostracise me because I failed all my subjects.

Fortunately for Mr. Lee, he chose to play the cards that was dealt to him differently and against all odds. How would we have played his cards? Are we to resign to our fates? Or are we to re-engineer our own fates? Either way you are right to choose whichever path you want to take.

The path to re-engineer our own fates is not one without challenges, just as it was a challenging one for Mr. Lee. And I certainly do not promise you that it will be an easy and smooth sailing one. As the saying goes, “There is no shortcut to any place worth going.” Now the question is, “Is it worth it for Mr. Lee?” I would leave you to answer that question on your own. Either way, you are right; it is a matter of choice.

Even for billionaire Richard Branson, he didn’t do well academically; he has mild dyslexia and according to an article by John Shepler,

Richard didn’t breeze through school. It wasn’t just a challenge for him, it was a nightmare. His dyslexia embarrassed him as he had to memorize and recite word for word in public.

Richard Branson is the 261st richest person in the world according to Forbes’ 2009 list of billionaires, with an estimated net worth of approximately £2.6 billion (US$3.9billion). Was it worth it to re-engineer his fate and not resigning to it? Mr. Branson wrote in his autobiography of the decision to start an airline:

My interest in life comes from setting myself huge, apparently unachievable challenges and trying to rise above them…from the perspective of wanting to live life to the full, I felt that I had to attempt it.

Was it worth it for Richard Branson? Same thing, I would like to leave that answer to you. And either way you are right. Re-engineering one’s fate and changing is challenging. Most people, including myself, resist changes. Changes may not always be for the better; however, one thing for sure, if we do not change, we may become obsolete and may become the next on the extinct list.

Photo by vivekchugh
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Be the Change You Want to See in the World

One of the most powerful quotations which I have always liked to share is by Mahatma Gandhi, “Be the Change that you want to see in the world.” The wisdom in the quotation is timeless; it is as applicable today as it was in the time of Gandhi when he uttered those words.

In a world where the only constant is change, we have always been talking about changing the world and people around us. However, not all have realised that for change to take place, they must first change themselves. Do not seek without what we can find within. If we start out with the perception to change the world, then we would fail badly. But if we start by changing ourselves, the change in the world would come naturally and inevitable.

In the short film which I am sharing with you, the boy may not know the above quotation by Gandhi or wouldn’t know that he was applying what Gandhi mentioned about being the change. It was a natural instinct that we often see in children; the ability to see things in a simple manner. We adults often complicate things while trying to come out with the best solution. He started out to be the change and in the process, he inspired others to follow suit.

Starting to be the change we want to see in the world, we would also inspire change in the world which comes from within each individual. Children are our best hope of positively influencing the world to love and care for each other. To put aside differences and to focus on the similarities. Before that, we are still the prime influencing force affecting not only our children but the future of the world that they will be living in.

We must be the change we want to see in the world.

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WW: No More Texting While Driving Please

More Wordless Wednesday

Texting while driving or driving while texting, whichever you call it, is something which I absolutely hate to see people doing. As if calling without a hands-free while driving is not bad enough, some people just have to take it to the next level by texting while driving. I recently took a photo of a guy making a call, without a hands-free and driving at the same time. I was questioning myself, “Should I submit the shot to the relevant authority to take action against the guy?” In the end I decided not to.

And hey, if you were guessing if I was on the wheel while taking the photo, sorry to disappoint you, my brother was the one on the wheel. At the point when I took the photo, I was piping hot with fury and I told myself, “You are busted, for making call without a hands-free while driving!” I simply cannot tolerate such act of selfishness and irresponsibility. However, I decided not to report him to the authority as everyone deserves a second chance. I naively want to believe that it was his first time doing that. And I believe he saw me taking the photo; we were moving side by side. Let this be a gentle reminder for this round. I certainly hope that I would not live to regret that decision to let him off.

To the video above, I applauded Utah’s decision to get tough with texting drivers as drivers can get up to 15 years in prison and a $10,000 fine when they kill someone. There should be continuous effort by all parties involved, the relevant authorities, the drivers, driving schools etc, to make the road a safer place for all users. And most importantly for drivers, including myself, we should take the safety of ourselves and other road users seriously. I couldn’t have stressed it more that we must practice responsible driving at all time.

Just a moment of selfish thought plus irresponsibility, and we could live a life in deep regret. This is probably so for Reggie Shaw. He caused an accident in September 2006 which killed two men, both scientists and fathers. He was driving — texting while driving.

As I put forth this message of responsible driving to you, I am also holding myself accountable for the words. Let us all be responsible drivers and if you are not one yet or not planning to be one, you can still act as a role to gently remind. Together we can make our road a safer place for everyone.

Quoting from National Safety Council: Driver inattention is a leading cause of traffic crashes, responsible for about 80 percent of all collisions, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Cell phones are the #1 driver distraction, contributing to hundreds of thousands of crashes and thousands of deaths each year. This affects real people, real lives. Watch and hear the stories of the families featured

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